Windows Open 2022

There are two sides to an artist: the cloistered creator and the exhibitionist. We build our stories behind the glass, but true art needs an audience — needs those windows blown wide open. We are asking our artists this year to be bold, fearless and unapologetically unique. We are asking them to proudly elevate the world with their glorious creations. Our Juror was the extraordinarily talented and well-known artist Ernestine Tahedl. She has chosen an exciting and thought-provoking show. Please read her comments below and enjoy the show. Ernestine Tahedl ~ A warm thank-you to the Markham Group of Artists, for inviting me to jury the annual online open show WINDOWS OPEN 2022. My warmest congratulations to all of the artists who have been included in this online show and I hope you agree that it is an exciting and very versatile one. I wanted specially to direct my comments to the artists who find their work has not been included in the selection. I know from personal experience as I have been juried out of several shows over my career, one asks why? You feel your work is good, strong, done with conviction, so again, why? The answer is not so simple. First, you have a juror who tries very hard to be open-minded and multifaceted, but most jurors do have some subconscious preferences. Although we, as jurors, try very hard to be impartial to all expressions, it is only natural and to be expected that there are some